A cancer diagnosis can be a very emotional and difficult time for most patients. Your pharmacist is an important member of your healthcare team who can help you navigate many of the resources available. More specifically, your pharmacist can:
- Assist you with providing a Medication Review and help you better understand how to get the maximum benefit from your therapy.
- Provide advice on what to expect and how to reduce the side effects of cancer medications.
- Provide regular counselling and support on how to use your medications.
Make an appointment with your pharmacist to discuss your diagnosis and ways they can help.
Useful Links
Nova Scotia Pharmacare at Nova Scotia Pharmacare - Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients
Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies
Useful Phone Numbers
How do I find a Support Group?
To find a support group in your area call:
Toll-free: 1-866-599-2267
Halifax: Contact the Nova Scotia Cancer Centre 902-473-6067
Sydney: Contact the Cape Breton Cancer Care Centre 902-567-8551
For all other areas contact the Cancer Patient Navigator at 1-866-524-1234