Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinics

community pharmacy primary care clinics

The Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia (PANS), in partnership with the Government of Nova Scotia and Nova Scotia Health, is piloting new primary care clinics at select pharmacy locations. Clinics are located in areas with the highest number of people without a family doctor.

These pharmacist-led clinics will provide an extended suite of pharmacy primary care services at no charge to people with a valid Nova Scotia Health Card. These services include assessment and prescribing for Strep Throat, Pink Eye, UTIs, Chronic Disease Management (Diabetes, Asthma, COPD), prescription renewals for all medications and more. Publicly funded vaccines for adults and children are also available at these clinics as well as medical injections (fee may apply).

These clinics are part of an ongoing study. Please click here for a copy of the consent form you will need to complete in order to receive care at these clinics. Learn more about services offered, participating locations, and how to book online appointments below.


Is your health card expired or expiring soon? You can renew it here.


Central Zone

City Pharmacy Name Clinic Address Clinic Phone Number Appointment Booking Link
Bedford Brookline Pharmasave 105 - 6 Bloom Lane 902-835-9111, ext 2 Click Here to Book
Bedford  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic  201-967 Bedford Hwy (Medical Clinic Door) 902-835-6135 Click Here to Book 
Bedford/Halifax Guardian Bedford 535 Larry Uteck Blvd 902-407-4373, ext 0 Click Here to Book
Dartmouth Shoppers Drug Mart 118 Wyse Rd 902-464-9644, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
Cole Harbour Shoppers Drug Mart 4 Forest Hills Parkway 902-434-9800 Click Here to Book 
Dartmouth The Medicine Shoppe 105-133 Baker Dr 902-461-2244 Click Here to Book
EasternPassage Passage Pharmachoice 6 Cow Bay Road 902-800-2920 Click Here to Book
Halifax Boyd's Pharmacy 2525 Agricola Street 902-417-2088 Click Here to Book
Halifax Chaulks Family Pharmasave 366 Lacewood Drive 902-431-3100 Click Here to Book
Halifax Lawtons' Scotia Square 5201 Duke Street 902-429-5436 Click Here to Book
Halifax Shoppers Drug Mart 6025 Almon St 902-453-3723, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
Halifax Shoppers Drug Mart 3430 Joseph Howe Dr 902-443-6084, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
HammondsPlains Hammonds Plains Pharmacy 2120 Hammonds Plains Road 902-832-7123 Click Here to Book
Lower Sackville Shoppers Drug Mart 766 Sackville Dr 902-864-4631, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
Lower Sackville  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic  201-159 Cobequid Road 902-864-2125 Click Here to Book 
Spryfield Shoppers Drug Mart 315 Herring Cove Road 902-477-1210 Click Here to Book 
Windsor Windsor Pharmasave 30 Gerrish St 902-798-2216, ext 8 Click Here to Book

Eastern Zone

City Pharmacy Name Clinic Address Clinic Phone Number Appointment Booking Link
Antigonish Teasdale Apothecary 65 Beech Hill Rd 902-735-2696, ext 2 Click Here to Book
Glace Bay Shoppers Drug Mart 255 Commercial St 902-849-2920, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
Guysborough Guysborough Pharmacy 133 Main Street 902-533-2224 Click Here to Book
New Waterford Midtown Pharmasave 3435 Plummer Ave 902-862-7188 Click Here to Book
North Sydney PharmaChoice 107 King St 902-794-4444 Click Here to Book
Port Hawkesbury The Medicine Shoppe 708B Reeves St 902-631-0806 Click Here to Book
Sydney Shoppers Drug Mart 254 Prince St, Unit A015 902-562-1144, option 3, 5 Click Here to Book
Sydney The Medicine Shoppe 288 Welton Street 902-500-5250 Click Here to Book
Whycocomagh MacKeigans Pharmacy 25 MacKeigans Lane 902-756-2314 Click Here to Book

Northern Zone

City Pharamcy Name Clinic Address Clinic Phone Number Appointment Booking Link
Amherst  Loblaws Drugstore #312 126 South Albion St  902-661-0703 ext 190 Click Here to Book 
Amherst  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic 2 Lawrence St, Unit 204 902-661-1627  Click Here to Book 
Elmsdale Guardian - Elmsdale Pharmacy 269 Hwy 214 902-883-2228, ext 0 Click Here to Book
Kennetcook Kennetcook Guardian 6202 Highway 354, Unit 2 902-362-2211 Click Here to Book
New Glasgow Shoppers Drug Mart 912 East River Rd 902-752-0280, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
New Glasgow  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic  211- 810 East River Rd 902-752-2287 Click Here to Book 
Pictou Pictou Pharmasave 33 Water St 902-485-4339 Click Here to Book
Truro The Medicine Shoppe 1B-664 Prince St 902-814-2679 Click Here to Book
Truro  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic  206-316 Willow St 902-896-0987 Click Here to Book 

Western Zone

City Pharmacy Name Clinic Address Clinic Phone Number Appointment Booking Link
Aylesford Chisholm's Pharmacy 2710 Hwy 1 902- 847-3465 Click Here to Book
Bridgewater Bridgewater Guardian 202-42 Glen Allan Dr 902-530-2217 Click Here to Book
Bridgewater  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic  202-26 North St 902-543-1550 Click Here to Book 
Chester Chester Pharmasave 3785 NS Trunk 3 902-275-3518, ext 2 Click Here to Book
Digby Balser's Pharmachoice 83 Warwick St 902-247-3108 Click Here to Book
Digby  Shoppers Drug Mart  95 Warwick St 902-245-4722, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
Greenwood Shoppers Drug Mart 1124 Bridge St 902-765-3060, ext 3, 5 Click Here to Book
New Minas  Lawtons' Pharmacy Clinic  202-20 Silver Fox Ave 902-678-4165 Click Here to Book 
Saulnierville Saulnierville Pharmacy 9999 Highway 1 902-769-0893 Click Here to Book 
Shelburne TLC Pharmasave 157 Water St 902-875-4852 Click Here to Book
Yarmouth City Drug Store 369 Main St 902-742-3579, ext 3 Click Here to Book

Find CPPCC phone and fax directory here

Pharmacists look at medical history, symptoms and physical assessment to determine if a swab test is needed. In some cases a test will not be appropriate.

Antibiotics are only prescribed if patient is determined to have a bacterial infection; there is no prescribed treatment for viral infection.

Strep Throat, Birth Control, Shingles treatment, Lyme disease prevention, UTI, urinary tract infection, Heartburn, Thrush, Yeast Infection, Cold Sores, Allergies, Eczema, Acne, Pink Eye, Lab test, A1C, INR, glucose, cholesterol, vaccine, injection, medication, drug, infection, throat, bladder, tick bite, prevent lyme, refill, renewal, walk-in, shingles, clinic, medical clinic, immunization, shot, pneumonia, tetanus, eczema, yeast infection, white stuff in mouth, heartburn, cold sore


Click to view the description of each service:

Assessing and Prescribing for Prescription Renewals

The pharmacist will do an assessment to determine if it is safe and effective for you to continue to take the medication(s). If appropriate, the pharmacist will prescribe renewals (refills) for your medication(s) for up to 12 months.  The assessment will involve a discussion with you and, in some cases, conducting tests (such as taking your blood pressure or conducting a point of care test).  Your pharmacist may review any relevant lab test results. If necessary, they may adapt or substitute your therapy during the renewal process. In some cases, it may be determined that your pharmacist does not have enough information to renew your prescription.  If, after your consultation with your pharmacist, they determine a physical assessment is required by another healthcare provider, you may be referred to a physician or nurse practitioner.   

Your pharmacist will document the care your receive and discuss a follow-up plan with you.

Your pharmacist will send your primary care provider (or specialist) a notice of what they have prescribed.  If you do not have a primary care provider, your pharmacist can provide you with a copy of this notification.  

This service is covered with your NS Health card. 


  • Pharmacists provide and assessment for all services to determine when prescribing, administering a medication or testing is appropriate.  In some cases, patients may be referred to another provider.
  • Pharmacists may assess and renew for narcotic and controlled drugs and substances, however there are limitations on the amounts that can be prescribed.  The pharmacist will do an assessment to determine if it is appropriate to renew and in what quantity.

*Length of prescription refills authorized by the pharmacist will be based on assessment.  


Chronic Disease Care - Heart Disease

Patients diagonosed with heart disease and high blood pressure qualify to receive chronic disease care from a pharmacist.  

The pharmacists will provide an initial assessment to collect patient information, identity any potential medication problems to resolve and discuss your goals for care.

Together the patient and pharmacist will create a plan which could include:

  • The pharmacist prescribing changes to your medications to help reach A1C, glucose, blood pressure and other goals.
  • Guidance in minimizing or avoiding adverse effects from your medication
  • In-pharmacy finger-stick testing for A1C and cholesterol if applicable (reducing the number of lab visits required)
  • Training and support with home blood pressure monitoring
  • Support and coaching to meet any lifestyle goals you set such as diet, exercise or smoking cessation
  • Ensuring you are up to date on the recommended immunizations for your condition 
  • Setting a follow-up plan with the pharmacist to support you in achieving your goals.


Chronic Disease Care - Lung Conditions (Asthma and COPD)

Patients diagnosed with asthma or COPD qualify to receive chronic disease care from a pharmacist.  

The pharmacist will provide an initial assessment to collect patient information, identity any potential medication problems to resolve and discuss your goals for care.

Together the patient and pharmacist will create a plan which could include:

  • The pharmacist prescribing changes to your medications to help you feel better and/or prevent worsening of your symptoms.
  • Guidance in minimizing or avoiding adverse effects from your medication
  • Counseling and support with proper inhaler technique
  • Support and coaching to meet any lifestyle goals you set such as diet, exercise or smoking cessation
  • Ensuring you are up to date on the recommended immunizations for lung conditions 
  • Setting a follow-up plan with the pharmacist to support you in achieving your goals.


Chronic Disease Care - Diabetes

Patients diagnosed with diabetes qualify to receive chronic disease care from a pharmacist.  

The pharmacists will provide an initial assessment to collect patient information, identity any potential medication problems to resolve and discuss your goals for care.

Together the patient and pharmacist will create a plan which could include:

  • The pharmacist prescribing changes to your medications to help reach A1C, glucose, blood pressure and other goals.
  • Guidance in minimizing or avoiding adverse effects from your medication
  • In-pharmacy finger-stick testing for A1C and cholesterol (reducing the number of lab visits required)
  • Training and support with home blood glucose or home blood pressure monitoring
  • Support and coaching to meet any lifestyle goals you set such as diet, exercise or smoking cessation
  • Ensuring you are up to date on the recommended immunizations for diabetes
  • Setting a follow-up plan with the pharmacist to support you in achieving your goals.


Assessment for Prescribing Birth Control

This service is only for those seeking a method of hormonal contraception.  Pharmacists cannot provide this service if you require birth control for reasons other than contraceptive purposes (such as managing menstrual cramps, acne, etc).

During the assessment process, the pharmacist will work with you to determine the therapy that best meets your needs. You and your pharmacist will select the most appropriate method of birth control based on your medical history, medications, risk factors, guidelines and your preferences. Pharmacists may only prescribe hormonal implants or intra-uterine devices (IUD or IUC) methods of birth control when practicing as part of an arrangement with a primary care provider who can conduct an appropriate physical exam and insert the device. An initial three-month trial is often prescribed for new treatment.  The pharmacist will follow up with you to re-assess.  Once an appropriate therapy is established, your prescription may be valid for up to one year.

During your consultation, the pharmacist will provide you with information on proper use of your birth control, what to do when you miss a dose, and possible adverse reactions. Your pharmacist will provide you with information and resources pertaining to other sexual health topics (such as sexually transmitted diseases, sexual dysfunction, assault, abortion, and screenings for cancer). They will also assess for any potential sexual health risk factors.

A notification of any medications prescribed or test results will be sent to your physician or NP.    If you do not have one following your care, records are available to patients and available on the pharmacy file for 10 years.

Shingles Treatment

An early start of antiviral medications for patients with shingles (herpes zoster) is very important. During your assessment, the pharmacist will assess your symptoms. Symptoms can include:

  • pain or a tingling sensation in a limited area on one side of the face or torso
  • red rash with small, fluid-filled blisters
  • fever
  • headache
  • chills
  • upset stomach

You will be provided information on skin care management, vaccines to prevent recurrence and be prescribed an antiviral medication, if needed. If a medication is prescribed during the assessment, the pharmacist will write a prescription. If the pharmacist finds that you have symptoms that can lead to more serious complications (such as vision impairment), they will refer you to emergency care.

A notification of any medications prescribed or test results will be sent to your physician or NP.  If you do not have one following your care, records are available to patients and available on the pharmacy file for 10 years.


Lyme Disease Prevention & Early Localized Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme Disease Prevention

If you have been bitten by a tick, the pharmacist can assess the need for treatment to help prevent Lyme disease. Pharmacists can determine whether a preventive antibiotic is appropriate. The assessment will include determing:

  1. whether the tick bite was from a blacklegged tick
  2. whether the tick was removed in the previous 72 hours
  3. whether the tick was attached for at least 36 hours

The treatment is only recommended if it can be administered within a 72-hour window after the tick is removed. If there are any symptoms of Lyme disease, such as a rash or bull's eye rash at the bite site, then patients will be referred to their primary care provider for other treatment options.

A notification of any medications prescribed or test results will be sent to your physician or NP.    If you do not have one following your care, records are available to patients and available on the pharmacy file for 10 years. 

Assessment does not include tick-removal.  If possible, remove the tick at home before appointment and bring it with you (in a ziplock bag). 

Early Localized Lyme Disease Treatment

Pharmacist can now assess early Lyme disease that is characterized by a skin rash >5cm in diameter. This rash may or may not have a bulls eye appearance and most commonly present 3-33 days after a tick bite. Pharmacist will ask about signs and symptoms and assess the rash to determine if an antibiotic is indicated or not.

Patients should see a primary provider for rashes due to bites from outside of Canada, or if the patient has multiple skin lesions. If the patient has facial nerve activity, headache with neck pain/stiffness, chest pain/fainting/palpitations, joint pain in a large joint/joint swelling, eye involvement (conjunctivitis, redness, light sensitivity) then they should medical attention. 

Uncomplicated Bladder Infections

Pharmacists are able to prescribe for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI), often referred to as bladder infections. In order to be assessed by a pharmacist you must:

  • be 16 years of age or older
  • have been assigned the sex of female at birth
  • have been previously diagnosed with the condition at least once before
  • have not had a UTI in the past 6 months

Pharmacists cannot assess or prescribe for UTIs for men or individuals under 16 and those that have not had a UTI in the past.

Your pharmacist will ask you a series of questions to determine if your infection meets the criteria for 'uncomplicated' or not. If they determine you have an uncomplicated infection, your pharmacist can prescribe an antibiotic based on your specific needs, medical conditions, allergies and past history.

You will not be required to provide a urine sample at a pharmacy, as guidelines do not require this for uncomplicated infections. 

If your infection does not meet the criteria for an uncomplicated UTI, your pharmacist will refer you to your primary care provider or nurse practitioner for further testing.

A notification of any medications prescribed or test results will be sent to your physician or NP.    If you do not have one following your care, records are available to patients and available on the pharmacy file for 10 years.


Sore Throat including Strep Throat

Pharmacists participating in the Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinic Project can assess patients age 3 and over that have a sore throat to confirm if they have strep throat (Group A Streptococcal infection) which will require antibiotics.   The pharmacist will ask questions about medical history, signs and symptoms that the patient is experiencing and perform a head, neck and throat exam.  If the patient has signs of strep throat confirmed by the exam, the pharmacist will also take a swab of the back of the throat and perform a rapid molecular test in the pharmacy which will take approximately 10 minutes.   If positive, the pharmacist may prescribe antibiotics to prevent complications of Group A Strep .    

If patient does not qualify for a rapid molecular test or if the results are negative, patients will be given recommendations on pain management, signs/symptoms to monitor, follow up details or instructions on when to see another health care provider if necessary. 

Mental Health and Addiction Services

Medication & Mental Illness Assessments (Bloom Program)

Your pharmacist can help you with your mental health/addiction diagnoses in many ways including managing medication-related issues and provide one-on-one care. Patients must have been diagnosed with one or more mental health or addiction diagnoses and have a medication problem that they would like to work on with their pharmacist.  Click here to learn more about the Bloom Program and click here to find a site near you. 

Nicotine Dependence

Pharmacists are effective in providing a smoking cessation program and contributing to patient quit rates or reductions in the amount of nicotine used. They help smokers and those that use nicotine products reduce their use by providing behavioural counselling, creating quit plans, recommending nicotine replacement therapy and scheduling follow-up visits.

    Take Home Naloxone Kits & Training

    Naloxone is a medication that is injected to provide a partial or complete reversal of an opioid overdose.  This medication can prevent death and respiratory depression associated with opioid overdose.  Pharmacies can provide you with a free take home naloxone kit, recommended for those at risk of an opioid overdose and those who are most likely to witness and respond to an opioid overdose. The pharmacist will provide opioid overdose prevention education as well as training on the administration of naloxone.

    Injections pharmacy professionals can administer*:

    • Opioid Addiction Treatment
    • Anti-psychotic medications
    • Other (please ask)

    *Prescription from another provider may be required for some injectable medications.  The pharmacist will conduct an assessment before each injection to ensure it is safe/suitable to administer.  Not all pharmacies provide this service, call your pharmacy to inquire. 

    Immunization and Injection Services

    Pharmacies are a convenient and an easily accessible place to receive your immunizations & injections. Prior to giving you any vaccine or injection, the pharmacist will conduct an assessment to sure it is appropriate for you. Sometimes, vaccines or injections require a prescription. Pharmacists can currently prescribe and inject the following:

    Publicly Funded Vaccines

    Non-Publicly Funded Vaccines

    If you do not already have a prescription for these vaccines, consider booking a virtual consultation first.  The pharmacists will do an assessment online to determine if you are eligible for the vaccine and write a prescription in advance, saving time at an injection appointment.  

    • Hep A & B (for travel, occupational risk of exposure)
    • Human Papilloma Virus  (HPV)
    • Typhoid Fever
    • Shingles 
    • RSV

    Other vaccines that may be availabe at CPPCC locations and funded for eligible patients include*:

    • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 
    • Varicella (Chickenpox vaccine)
    • Meningococcal Vaccine
    • Pneumococcal Vaccine
    • Hep A & B (high risk patients)
    • Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Td or Tdap)
    • DTaP- IPV-Hib
    • Haemophilus influenzae (Hib)
    • Measles/mumps/rubella/varicella (MMR or MMRV)
    • IPV (polio)

    *Some patients may be eligible for these as part of the publicly funded vaccines allocation at CPPCC sites based on elgibiltiy critera. Click here to inquire at a site near you.

    Administration of Injectable Medications

    • Vit B12
    • Contraception Injection
    • Other medications injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously**

    **Prescription from another provider may be required for some injectable medications

    Ear Infection

    Pharmacists participating in the Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinic Project can assess patients age 3 and over who have a sore ear(s).   These pharmacists can assess for both acute otitis externa “swimmer’s ear” and acute otitis media “ear infection”.  The pharmacist will ask questions about medical history, signs, and symptoms that the patient is experiencing and check inside the ears using an otoscope.  If the patient has signs of an acute bacterial infection a second device may be used to further support the diagnosis.

    Patients that are excluded from this assessment in the clinic are those who have had ear tubes/previous ear surgery, those taking immunosuppressive medications/conditions, those with malignancy, those with recurrent acute otitis media (> 3 episodes in 6 months of >4-6 episodes in 12 months), those with persistent hearing loss (3-4 weeks following resolution of infection) or speech developmental concerns, those with chronic tympanic membrane perforation (>12 weeks) or those with pre-existing comorbidities (children with significant hear/lung/renal/liver/neuromuscular disease, cystic fibrosis or immunosuppression).

    Depending on the signs/symptoms and the ear exam, patients might be instructed to watch-and-wait to see patients symptoms improve over 24-48 hours, patients might be given an antibiotic and pain management if it looks like a bacterial infection, or patients may be given recommendations on pain management if it appears to be a viral infection. In all recommendations, patients will be given signs/symptoms to monitor, follow up details or instructions on when to see another health care provider if necessary. 

    Sinus Infection

    Pharmacists participating in the Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinic Project can assess patients age 3 and over who are having persistent sinus symptoms or severe symptoms. These pharmacists will review the signs and symptoms with the patient and discuss the length of time the patient has been experiencing these symptoms to assess if the condition appears viral or bacterial in nature. Pharmacists may recommend a watch and wait approach, or provide pain management, or prescribe a nasal steroid spray, or prescribe an oral antibiotic depending on the assessment.  In all recommendations, patients will be given signs/symptoms to monitor, follow up details or instructions on when to see another health care provider if necessary.

    Patients who appear to have a chronic sinus infection should see their primary provider (symptoms lasting ≥8-12 weeks, or ≥3-4 episodes of acute bacterial sinus infection in the last year).