Nova Scotia Election 2021

Election Day in Nova Scotia is Tuesday, August 17.

This is your opportunity to ask candidates what their positions are on issues that affect pharmacy. PANS has developed some tools to help you in your discussions with candidates.


Election Questionnaire

We sent a questionnaire to each of the three main parties on issues that are important to pharmacy.  The questions were:


1. How would your government support a collaborative working relationship with PANS and other community healthcare providers to ensure more effectively utilize all healthcare providers in collaborative patient care?

2. Under current government policy, limited pharmacy services are available to of Nova Scotians through publicly funded programs. Would your government support expanding the funding for pharmacist provided services for all Nova Scotians? What additional pharmacy services would your government fund?

3. Studies have shown that pharmacists, when working to their full scope of practice, play a significant role in improving the health of their patients while at the same time saving the health care system millions of dollars, particularly in the area of chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes. What roles do you think pharmacies and pharmacists should play in the delivery of health care in Nova Scotia and improving patient care? How would your government support this?

4. What initiatives would your government implement to ensure a healthy and sustainable pharmacy network in Nova Scotia?



Questionnaire Responses


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