This service is free with a valid Nova Scotia Health Card at all pharmacies. Contact your local pharmacy to ask if they have appointments available.
Click Here to book an appointment at a 
Pharmacists are able to prescribe refills for prescription medications for up to 12 months*, when deemed appropriate.
Your pharmacist will determine if continuing the therapy is appropriate for you by conducting an assessment. The assessment will involve a discussion with you and, in some cases, conducting tests (such as taking your blood pressure or conducting a point of care test). Your pharmacist may review any relevant lab test results. If necessary, they may adapt or substitute your therapy during the renewal process. In some cases, it may be determined that your pharmacist does not have enough information to renew your prescription. If, after your consultation with your pharmacist, they determine a physical assessment is required by another healthcare provider, you may be referred to a physician or nurse practitioner.
Your pharmacist will document the care your receive and discuss a follow-up plan with you.
Your pharmacist will send your primary care provider (or specialist) a notice of what they have prescribed. If you do not have a primary care provider, your pharmacist can provide you with a copy of this notification.
As of April 1, 2020, there is no cost to you for this service when you present your valid Nova Scotia Health Card.**
All pharmacy services are provided in clinic rooms to protect your privacy. Pharmacists are required by law and their code of ethics to keep your information confidential.
Talk to a member of your pharmacy team to learn more about this and other pharmacy services they provide.
Note: Pharmacists may assess and renew for narcotic and controlled drugs and substances, however there are limitations on the amounts that can be prescribed. The pharmacist will do an assessment to determine if it is appropriate to renew and in what quantity.
*Length of prescription refills authorized by the pharmacist will be based on assessment.
**Medication costs are in addition to this service and may be covered by your insurance provider. This service is available at no cost to up to four times a year