To recognize a pharmacist whose service in his/her community extends beyond professional duties. Pharmacists make valuable contributions to the life of their communities, their province, their country that prevent them from making as great a contribution to the affairs of their profession. Some are able to do both. This award recognizes all these services with a special emphasis on community.
The award is open to any active member of the Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia. It is to be awarded for performance over any period of time and is not restricted to performance in the year during which the award is presented.
The winner of the award is to be determined by the Board of Directors on receipt of a report by the Membership and Governance Committee. This report shall be based on nominations submitted by the members. The call for nominations shall be sent to the members at least four weeks prior to the Board Meeting at which the winner is named.
- 2014 Tami Crosby
- 2015 Kirk Lycett
- 2016 Hugh Toner
- 2017 Kim Geldart
- 2018 Jason Trider
- 2019 Ken Brownell
- 2020 Vicki Gomes
- 2021 Krista Trider
- 2022 Jodi Matlock