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Your pharmacist can play a valuable role in helping you manage your Chronic Health Condition.
Article: Chronic Health Conditions – Your Pharmacist Can Help
It can be overwhelming when you are diagnosed with a chronic health condition such as asthma, diabetes or high blood pressure. New medications and recommendations for changes in lifestyle can lead to confusion. Your pharmacist is one of the healthcare professionals in this province that can help make sense of it all and help get – and keep – you on the road to good health.
Nova Scotians will head to the polls on Tuesday, October 8. PANS has put together some information for our members who are deciding on how they will mark their ballot.
All three parties have been sent questionnaires on issues related to pharmacy in this province. Their responses will appear in the Saturday, September 28 edition of the Chronicle Herald and on this page.
If you're seeking an open pharmacy or phamacy clinic during the Holiday Season, Click Here for your local pharmacy's holiday hours.
Health Canada reviewing stop-smoking drug Champix (varenicline tartrate) and potential risk of heart problems in patients with heart disease